Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 10 : Confessing

This week was difficult for me to think of a subject.  I've gone through all the eating disorders I'v researched. So now it's time to discuss how to tell someone about if you show signs of an eating disorder(ED).

If you start to believe you have an eating disorder you should tell someone.  It will seem difficult but it's what's best.  It will help you in the long road. I told my friend when I thought I started developing anorexia nervosa.  She told me she noticed how I was dropping weight and how I stopped eating lunch.  She knew I didn't eat breakfast already.  So then she found out how I was only eating dinner.  

To say she was concerned was a bit of an understatement.  She was scared that I would hurt myself.  But I felt better telling someone about it.  It's a little weight off my shoulders.  I'm glad I told her.  She helps me now, if I go to her house she convinces me to eat. Which is difficult for me, but I know it will make her happy. 

Moral of the story, if you start to believe your getting or have an ED you should REALLY go get help.  It's difficult, I know, but it will help.  I promise.  Nobody wants you to get hurt.  There are  many things that can go wrong with having any type of ED, but getting help will better you.  It is a scary thing to do. But I promise you, you will get better. Things will get better. Life will get better with help.

Go to a parent or friend.  Teacher or counselor.  Or a doctor too.

Things will get better.  Sometimes they just take a little longer to happen but your life will get better. 


                Picture found on Tumblr

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