Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 8 : Purging Disorder

This week I'm going to focus on Purging.  Purging disorder is when you...well. Purge.
As all disorders.  You can be any body weight.   Purging is when you make yourself vomit in simpler terms.

Other ways is by taking laxitives to seep food through your body. So that your body doesn't have enough time to absorb the nutrients of the consumed foods.

Often purging disorder is linked with bulimia nervosa.

Signs of purging disorder can be :
•trips to the bathroom soon after eating
•regularly using laxitives
•obsessing over weight and appearance

Indications of regularly vomiting are :
•clear looking teeth
•swollen cheeks
•calluses or scrapes on the knuckles
•broken blood vessels in the eyes

The reason for the calluses or scraped knuckles are from using your fingers to vomit. 

As any ED it can lead to depression and anxiety.  Or vice versa.  Sometimes the disorders can get so severe that the person becomes suicidal or clinically depressed.  Which of course is a very bad thing to happen.  Nobody wants to go through any of the EDs.

Nobody wants to stress about how much they eat or what they eat.  You want to be able to be happy with your body.  To not stress every time you take a bite of food.  To not have the constant thoughts of calorie intake.  To feel pretty/handsome in your clothing. 

We ED sufferers all want this. To feel pretty or handsome in our own skin.

If there's someone you know you suspect has an ED please. Please talk to them.   Make them feel loved.  Have a heart-to-heart talk with them.  Make sure they know their loved.  That they can always come to you  for a talk or for some help. 

If you think your suffering from a possible ED please find someone you can talk to about your feelings.  As awkward as it may be.  Please.  It will help.

Goodbye lovely-Alexa 

Picture found on Tumblr

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